How much does financial advice cost?

Wren Sterling’s charges for our services are dependent on your individual circumstances and the degree of work required

In financial advice, you can usually pay in three ways.

  1. As a percentage of the assets being advised on
  2. As a fixed fee
  3. On a time-costed basis (per hour charging)

Wren Sterling typically operates on a percentage of the assets being advised on, but there are exceptions to this depending on the type of work we’re being asked to do. A good example is a Defined Benefit pension transfer, where we have a two-stage process, with the first stage being a fixed fee.

We also offer a Family Linking service whereby if we advise other members of your family, that could reduce your ongoing service fee, as a family.

Until we understand the scope of the work, the assets being advised on. and whether you want to become an ongoing client of ours, it’s not possible to give you an accurate indication of these costs.

Following an initial consultation (which is at our expense), your Financial Planner will be able to give you an estimate for the cost of receiving financial advice.

Our fees FAQ

  • Why don’t we publish fees?

    Why don’t we publish fees?

    Frankly, we don’t think it’s helpful to either side. The sight of a number that’s higher than your expectation might put you off enquiring and taking a really important step towards getting the help that you are after. Equally, the headline number you see could be less or more than the quote we give you once we’ve been able to explore your requirements in more detail.

    It’s like asking a builder for a quote for an extension on your house before a site visit! There are many variables which could affect the cost of that, and financial advice is the same.

  • How are payments structured?

    How are payments structured?

    If you’re paying for advice which ends in the use of a product, for example making a new investment or changing the investments in your pension, you can usually pay for that advice from the funds themselves but there are different options depending on the product provider.

    However, you can also choose to settle in a single payment.

    Where you elect to pay for a piece of financial planning that doesn’t end in a product recommendation such as a one-off piece of advice, that will be invoiced to you on completion of our recommendation report.

    If you choose to use us for protection, such as life insurance, we may be paid a fee by the provider of that policy, but any such payments will be disclosed to you at the time.

  • When are fees applicable?

    When are fees applicable?

    Following your initial consultation, your Financial Planner will present their fact-finding report which will recap on the conversation you had, and the advice we feel is needed to meet your needs, plus an indication of the fees for the work and how they can be paid. If you decide not to proceed at this point, no fees will be paid. If you ask us to proceed, we will confirm how you wish to pay our fee.

Why pay for financial advice?

If you’ve made it this far to our website, you’re probably already in the mindset to get financial advice, but here are some of the benefits to advice.

Some are financial, but the reason you’re looking for financial advice might be emotional. We know that our long-term clients really value the peace of mind that comes with working with an expert and having control over their finances.

You’ve got someone fighting your corner who is just as invested in your financial success as you are.

Speak to us about your circumstances and see how much financial advice could cost