Be Retire Ready: 25th September, 12PM-1PM

Are you Ready to Retire? It’s probably the biggest single change to your lifestyle and finances in your adult life – or it isn’t, depending on how you manage your retirement. In an age where gradual retirement, part time work and increased flexibility around your pension exist together, you have lots of choices to make, so it pays to get some tips from the experts.

Join Sarah Herd, Wren Sterling’s Head of Workplace, to look at what it takes to be ready for retirement and where you can get help if you need it. In her guise as a wellbeing expert, Sarah will also look at some of the hidden traps of retirement, notably mental health and filling your days.

What will we cover:

  • The importance of saving for retirement
  • The state pension
  • How much to save for retirement
  • Maximising contributions
  • Pension related tax allowances
  • Cashflow forecasting
  • Retirement options
  • Mental Health in retirement

Who is it for?

People looking to retire in ten years or less will benefit from the webinar.

How long is it for?

45-60 minutes, including questions and answers at the end.

What happens next?

Once you register for the webinar (link below) you’ll receive a registration confirmation and regular reminders ahead of the day. After the webinar, if you would like a 30 minute meeting with a Wren Sterling Financial Planner, we can set that up for you. There’s no charge to you for this initial consultation.

Register for this webinar