Wren Sterling’s Autumn Webinar Programme

Wren Sterling will be running three free webinars in the Autumn for people looking towards retirement planning.

Firstly, on the 25th September, Sarah Herd, Wren Sterling’s Head of Workplace will run “Are you retirement ready?” which focuses on the financial and emotional steps to take ahead of retirement.

Following that on the 30th October, we will be covering Pension Consolidation, the reasons for doing so and the pitfalls to avoid.

Our miniseries concludes with “Using your pension to pay less tax”, on the 27th November, which will give attendees things to consider ahead of the deadline for paying tax for the 2023/24 tax year at the end of January.

Each webinar is an hour long with time for questions at the end with a Wren Sterling expert.

Register for Wren Sterling’s webinars here:

  1. Are you retire ready?
  2. Pension consolidation – what you need to know
  3. Using your pension to pay less tax